BobCat 753 – SEAT BAR SENSOR – BICS Circuit Test

Use Sensor Testers (MEL1428) and seat bar sensor tester adapter (MEL1567) for the following procedure:

Connect the seat bar sensor tester adapter MEL1567 to the sensor tester.

Disconnect the seat bar sensor connector (Item 1) [Figure 60-100-8].

Connect Sensor Tester (Item 1) [Figure 60-100-9] inline to the seat bar sensor connectors.

Turn the key to the ON position. DO NOT START THE ENGINE.

If there is no power light on the sensor tester, check the tester or wiring harness.

When the power light is illuminated, move the toggle switch (Item 2) [Figure 60-100-9] on the sensor tester to the Present position.

NOTE: The sensor test light (Item 3) [Figure 60-100-9] is only activated by the seat bar. It will be off with the seat bar up or on with the seat bar down.

The BICS seat bar indicator light (Item 1) [Figure 60-100-10] should illuminate.

Move the toggle switch (Item 1) [Figure 60-100-11] on the sensor tester to the Absent position.

The Seat Bar light (Item 1) [Figure 60-100-10] should go off.

If the above test fails, there is a problem with the Bobcat controller or the wiring harness.


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